Some moms are bad.
And some are really, REALLY bad.
So I thought it might be fun to compile a list of some of the worst moms in contemporary fiction. I assembled a team of experts (a.k.a. Facebook and blogging buddies) and asked them to tell me who they thought were the worst fictional moms over the past fifty years or so. Then I added my own two cents. Below are the results.
A few are funny. Most are scary. All make me thank my lucky stars I didn't get them as a mother. But let's get to the good stuff...I mean the bad stuff. Oh, you know what I mean. Here they are in chronological order:
Honorable mentions also go to Estelle Costanza from the 1989-1998 comedy TV series, Seinfeld, and Marie Barone from the 1996-2005 comedy TV series Everybody Loves Raymond. Sorry guys, you made me laugh too much to hate you!
Anyway, how'd we do? Anyone we missed? Who's the baddest of the bunch? I'll be a good mom and listen. Promise.