Sure, there may have been a few other things, like my sister passing along the first season of the new Dr. Who*, forcing me into a wildly happy but comatose state in front of the television for a while, but outside of that I have been TOTALLY ON TASK.
Okay, so maybe there was that time I spent an inappropriately long time adding photos to my ‘Funny Celebrity Photos’ board on Pinterest.

And sure, obsessing about the word "phlegm," and how it wins the trifecta for not only looking and sounding gross but also representing something gross, too, is not something normal people do for half a day, but that makes me unique, people. Roll with it.
Anyway, I’ve got to go now. I found yet another funny photo of Britney Spears -- man, that girl never ceases to disappoint -- and if I don’t add it to Pinterest right now the world will explode. Neither of us want that to happen. Bye!