Well, low and behold, something happened last weekend that re-ignited my faith. My husband actually got rid of The Shirt. You heard me. I'm serious. He really did! Okay, so actually he just committed himself to getting rid of it. Right now it's still in his dresser drawer. The Shirt is right below its replacement-- make that replacements. Yep. He got two. Not only did he buy a new Indiana University shirt but an IU sweatshirt, as well, I think I've been scammed. No, I know I've been scammed. Lucky for him, he got something for me, too:
Anyway, this whole miracle business made me realize it's been awhile since I've hung out with Action Figure Jesus. So I took him to the kitchen and decided to have a little fun playing Sink or Swim. I filled up a bowl of water and tossed him in -- at least that's what I tried to do. But he was on to me from the get-go. Serves me right. Another slam dunk for Action Figure Jesus -- or, rather, a slam no-dunk.