Let's begin with the group awards. The first Group of Losers award goes to...

I can’t tell you just how sick I am of the ridiculousness that is this family and Kim’s failed nuptials takes the ($20,000 wedding) cake. Sure, I’ve seen her tears and heard the whole ‘fool for love’argument, but I’m just not buying it. Could it be the fact that the primary news organization feeding us all this crap happens to be the same one that owns the show? Or maybe it’s the fact that Kim wants to keep the 20.5 karat diamond engagement ring Kris gave her ‘for sentimental reasons.’ Then, of course, is Kris Jenner’s admission that Kim made no money off the wedding. Really? Because for 72 days all we heard
about was the $14.5 million she made and no one said a word. It wasn’t until AFTER the divorce backlash hit that she told us the ‘truth.’ Sorry, that sounds more like damage control to me. For all of you Kardashian lovers out there, please know I think Kris Humphries is a jerk. No love is lost on him, either.
The second Group of Losers award goes to...

Individual Awards go to....

Oh, come on, Lindsay Lohan. Again? She’s been on the loser list for so long now, I fear she’ll end up doing an Amy Winehouse. When your biggest gig for the year is posing nude for Playboy, that isn’t a good sign. Jail time, alleged necklace stealing, and WAY too much partying -- this girl is an absolute train wreck. The days of The Parent Trap and Mean Girls are long gone. Sad.

At least he’s not Arnold Schwarzenegger. The jerk not only had an affair with the family’s housekeeper, he had a secret love child with her that he kept secret for fourteen years while the maid still worked for his family. When the child started looking too much like him, his wife, Maria Shriver, started asking questions. That must have been a horrifying discovery -- Maria went to the boy’s christening, all the while thinking it was her maid's husband’s son. Arnold is officially terminated in my book.
Taylor Armstrong (a.k.a. Shana Hughes, Shana Taylor, Taylor Ford, Taylor Ford-Armstrong, and Liar Liar Pants on Fire) It’s hard to feel sorry for this Real Housewives of Beverly Hills star, despite her supposedly abusive husband’s suicide in August. She’s a narcissistic con artist with more bogus business dealings than aliases. Can you trust anything she says? She tried to pass herself off as an heir to the Ford Motor Company, for cripes sake! Did I mention she’s a horrible mom, too? Grrr.

As for a celebrity by association, who can forget Mariah Yeter, the girl who claimed Justin Bieber was her baby daddy. The twenty year-old recanted after Bieber said, “No prob. I’ll just take a DNA test.” The realization that, if her claim had been true, she could have been prosecuted for statutory rape might have also factored into it. Kudos to the Biebs for keeping a cool head and handling the situation with class.

And there you have it, my top pics for 2011's biggest celebrity losers. Have I missed anyone? Let me know!