You see, of the three kids in my family he was not only the youngest growing up but also the only boy. That meant he was subjected to -- how can I say this politely? -- undue torture, girl style. Case in point: my sister and I used to love treating him to full facials, make up and all, while he playfully remained a good sport. One day he finally said enough. (I can’t remember how old he was at the time… 19? 20?) Still, he continued to indulge in our silliness in other ways and ended up becoming one of the most incredibly hilarious people I know.
But there was something about Jim that disturbed me greatly, something I need to explain right now.
Jim was one of those kids who was unbelievably talented, unbelievably creative, as well as unbelievably UNDER achieving. Don't get me wrong, he was a good student but he clearly didn't have his heart in it. I shook my head at him all the time. It killed me to think of all the great things he could achieve it he’d only put his mind to it. But no. Instead of concentrating all his energy on school, he followed his heart and dove into a silly hobby. It revolved around this weird thing Mom and Dad had just bought. What was it called, again? Oh, yeah.

Well, Jim thought that maybe the machine could do more. Ridiculous, I know. He spent hours on it, learning code on his own through trial and error. Well, guess what? Much to my surprise it turned he COULD teach the computer to do different things. Cool things. Creative things.
As you may have guessed, Jim ended up doing all right in life. Did I tell you he works at Microsoft as an inventor? Not a bad gig for a guy who chose to follow his heart instead of the pre-programmed path for achievement. There might be a lesson in there somewhere.
And now he’s gone and done something cool again. That Mr. Smarty Pants! Or should I say Mr. AND MRS. Smarty Pants….
A while back his wife, Lori, quite the creative genius, herself, thought it would be fun if they did a project together. And though I’m sure the urge to tackle a 1000 piece Hello Kitty Dance Party jigsaw puzzle was strong, they decided to create a cool game. And instead of just thinking about it, they actually did it. And you know what?
The game is AWESOME.

So buy it. You’ll love it. You can buy it for $10 online and it’s available in cool shops across the US, too. Just click here for more info on the game as well as how to get it.
And before I go, a final word to Jim: I proud of you, bro. I’m proud of Lori, too. It looks like the two of you ended up doing all right. And you did it your way, too. :)