Anywho, here’s a recap of some of my activity so far…
I expressed outrage at costumefail.com's classification of this hysterically adorable baby costume as a fail. It is clearly an epic win.
I re-tweeted the soon to be immortalized quote from Rebel W/out a Cause (paraphrased due to potty mouth language) : Maybe she’s born with it? Maybe it’s Maybelline? Dude, IT’S PHOTOSHOP.
I gave the links to some things I wrote on expatspost.com, like my sick fantasy involving a Hollywood actor and my chronic nightmares about mutant cotton balls.
I assured one of my friends that he could be manly and sparkly at the same time. (Go with me on this. His ego is at stake.) Then I asked another friend if the recent discovery that the cells she is experimenting on are bipolar makes her depressed or manically happy.
And lastly, I tweeted the ever-so-excellent commercial Matthew Broderick made for Honda that I’m sure millions of people have seen by now. Ferris Bueller fans rejoice! Just see it again. It's that awesome.