Anyway, I'm sure my attitude will improve as I get off my butt and get back into the swing of things. Cross your fingers for me. I'm going to need all of the help I can get this time.
Alas, summer vacation is over. I must admit I am not thrilled. I had a lot of fun goofing off these past few months and I hate to see it end. I feel akin to this squirrel I saw a while back while visiting Iowa State University. He looked so blissed out as a group of us walked by him. (Confession: I had to doctor his eyes for this photo. You'll know why in a second.) Honest, I did my best to be quiet as I crept closer in order to take a photo of him. I failed. Though the squirrel couldn't speak, his eyes clearly conveyed, "What the chiz, man? I'm chillaxin'!" Don't ask me why, but from the vibe I got I from him I figured he used the Urban Dictionary. Anyway, it's time for me to get back to business. That means writing more and relaxing less. I'll have to curb my addiction to watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer, too. I admit that will be hard, due to my mad crush on Spike. Vampires with souls really rock. It will also be hard because, admittedly, my present attitude sucks. If I were in The Matrix right now, I might choose the blue pill instead of the red. That alternate reality sure looked better than the real world, plus I don't want to know what I'd look like if I were bald and eyebrow-less. (Side note: If you didn't get that last reference because you've never seen The Matrix do it now. Seriously. Do not pass "GO" and collect $200. Drop everything and see it ASAP.) Anyway, I'm sure my attitude will improve as I get off my butt and get back into the swing of things. Cross your fingers for me. I'm going to need all of the help I can get this time. P.S. Thanks to my friend, jayme, for showing me how to NOT get into the swing of things. For a link to the above gif, click here.
9/2/2013 07:43:08 pm
Before you get TOO serious about getting back into the swing of things or taking the blue pill, put "Breaking Bad" into your Netflix queue. You'll be glad you extended your mad summer slacking!
9/2/2013 11:06:26 pm
After my Buffy run, Breaking Bad is next. I've heard too many good things about it. Can't wait!
9/3/2013 01:19:45 am
That is one chilled-out squirrel. I guess he or she has no nuts to collect. ;)
9/3/2013 06:56:57 am
I cannot stress how blissed out he looked there, all stretched out an comfy. I felt so bad I woke him up!
9/3/2013 02:58:00 am
Love that squirrel, Janene. She and I are on the same page. Summer is a time to goof off and relax, and so are the other three seasons of the year.
9/3/2013 07:00:12 am
Ha ha! You know, if you were a squirrel I'm guessing that's what you'd look like. Always one to enjoy "just being"!
9/3/2013 03:16:53 am
It's always the same. It's like those wonderful holidays you have abroad with no concerns whatsoever. The sun was shining, someone cooked your breakfast, lunch and dinner. You danced the nights away with your love, you spend money like it's going out of fashion and the next thing you know, you're bumped back into reality when you return. Give it a week or two and I'm sure you'll naturally or forcefully get back into the swing of things.
9/3/2013 07:02:42 am
Oh, how I love the picture you painted. What an awesome scenario! But, like you said, they can't last. Even if I had the money, I'm sure I'd tire of it and want to get back to work.
At the start of August I took a short trip to the beach where I lay in my Hammok most of the time consuming a few good Novels, I got back to town a few days later and tried furiously to get caught up with work. Then the next week my girlfriend suddenly found herself between jobs, so I was obligated to go back to the beach with her for another week, since she could not go with me the last time. Now of I am sitting here with piles of work in front of me which does not really motivate me to do anything.
9/4/2013 01:56:08 am
Ha! I LOVE that quote about procrastination! Never heard it before. As for taking that extra week with your girlfriend? Of course you had to! Opportunities like that don't come often. As for that pile on your desk, just eat it like an elephant -- one bite at a time.... or be the squirrel, too. ;)
I know exactly how you feel! I went back to school and back to my internship last week. Things have been dragging along, but I'm slowly getting into some sort of groove. I miss lounging around though and doing pretty much nothing (or nothing constructive or productive at least). It was a nice vacation, I'm going to miss it.
9/4/2013 01:58:57 am
I think it's a hard time for many of us. The whole "school" thing totally throws things off. I guess the only way to fully appreciate vacations is to not be on one all the time. Maybe. I'd like to try that as an experiment. And I'm glad you liked the squirrel pics!
Jayme Art
9/11/2013 01:12:48 am
Hey! Have things fallen back into place for you yet? :]
9/11/2013 11:11:30 am
I'm getting there. I was actually able to sit down and write a chapter today. That's a big step. Sounds like you've got it worse than me right now. Hang in there. I'm rooting for you! :)
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