Years later, a similar incident happened when the first real ‘teen’ drama, ‘Beverly Hills 90210,’ came out in 1990. Personally, I had a thing for Jason Priestley, who played Brandon on the show. A lot of girls, however, loved bad boy Dylan, played by Luke Perry. I must admit he was a hottie. As the years went on, though, Luke started to look...well, different. Was he losing his hair? Hmmm. That seemed kind of strange for a teenager. Well, imagine our collective surprise when we found out he had started the show at age 25. Gasp!
Yep, adults playing teenagers is not a recent development. However, the amount of shows featuring ‘teen’ casts is. So wouldn’t it be fun to see just how many young characters are actually played by old farts? Okay, then, let’s do it! Allow me to present:
Teen TV’s 'ACT YOU AGE' Contest
Here how it’ll work: I’ll take the two oldest ‘young’ actors - one ‘boy’ and one ‘girl’ - from a selection of the hottest teen TV shows on air and rank them by age until we discover the oldest cast member for each sex. This week I'll do the girls. Next week, the guys. Are you ready? Okay.
They youngest female actress is...
It's all down hill from here, folks.
Until then, ciao, and do your best to keep it real...unlike Hollywood. ;)