1. I'm resistant change.
2. I'm a hypocrite.
I discovered the first thing when I challenged myself to wear my purse on my left shoulder instead of my normal right. (Yes, I'm always doing things like that to keep me on my toes and, yes, I know it's weird.) Anyway, it didn't work. After ten minutes my untamed left shoulder stopped cooperating. My purse kept "accidentally" falling off though it was no real accident. It just felt too weird so my lazy shoulder just said "no."
As to being a hypocrite, though, no purses or shoulders were involved. It had to do with those sound toothbrushes. You know, the ones that play a song while you brush. I've always thought those things were stupid. And I've said so. A lot. Not that I don't like sound-making devices, In fact, I have one in my corner of love. When pressed, it emits bloodcurdling yet gleeful screams of people riding a roller coaster. I find the strange mix of joy and horror oddly appealing which, I know, could be due to some sort of sick sensibility on my part. As an American, though, I'd rather blame it on someone or something else -- like gratuitous media violence. It's desensitized me. Now I thirst for carnage.
But back to sound toothbrushes. As I casually rolled my shopping cart down the aisle, I saw a bunch of those ridiculous things. Justin Bieber had one (Ugh!), as well as Psy (He's still relevant?) and LFMAO (LFMAO!). Even Lady Gaga had one. I groaned, though she was great on Saturday Night Live, wasn't she? .
Don't answer that.