Oh, no. I’m doing it again.
Another momologue. I should have known better but sometimes it’s so hard to stop. It’s in my DNA. I’m a mom. Sometimes I just go on and on about stuff. The problem is, if I go too far my kids get that dreaded disease. You know the one I mean: momonucleosis.

When I called the doctor, he chuckled and said, “Give him two videogames and call me in the morning.” I wasn’t please, though it seemed like an easy fix. Thank goodness his homework was done.
So I apologize. I didn’t mean to go on like that. Next time I’ll know better. Like when I bring up the subject of bagless vacuums. I think they suck -- or rather that they don’t. I don’t care if that Dyson guy does have a cool accent. He’s full of BS….
Oh, no. I can see from your eyes that it’s happening again.
Time to stop.