When we stay at a hotel, the kids hate sharing beds with each other. They say, "It's gross." They also seem to 'accidentally' elbow each other in the jaw, so we don't mind separating them.
Still, what that usally means for me are nights filled with errant kicks and blanket tug-of-wars. It has turned me into one tired pup, which is why there won't be much writing in this post.
Instead, I've decided to share some of the unecessary junk we crammed into our suitcases. No trip is complete without a nail-biting scene at the airline counter where you worry whether or not your suitcase is too heavy.
So here I go. Below is a list of the ridiculous stuff we bought. May it shock and awe you.
To start, here's a cute button I just had to have...
Until next time,