Of course, I know more than my fair share about floods. It started back in 1993. Rick and I had just moved to Germany. We turned the TV on and saw a place called "The Quad Cities" had made international news.
It had flooded. Big time. No huge surprise since it was situated on the Mississippi River. To preserve the beauty of the riverfront, an earlier decision had been made to keep their flood walls low.
Really? we thought. What kind of people live like that? Turns out, they were people like us. Three years later we were transferred to Rock Island Arsenal in -- yep, you guessed it -- The Quad Cities.
Now I have to say the river doesn't flood every year and, when it does, it's not like 1993. But it does flood. I'm not sure how many times it's done so since we've moved here, but the fact that I've lost count should tell you something.
Anyway, I dug out photos I had taken during one of the floods. I'm not sure which year these are from. 2011? I do know they're starting to fill sandbags again. Perhaps another photo op is coming.