Well, I’ve just got one thing to say to that:
First, let me set things straight. I’m not talking about seeing guys a year or two older than you. Three years? It starts to get questionable. A fourteen year-old dating a seventeen year-old doesn’t fly in my book, but a nineteen year-old dating a twenty-two year-old? Not a felony. But once that gap widens to four years, it gets creepy. Really creepy.
“But I’m wise beyond my years,” you say. “I can handle a real relationship.” That point I refuse to argue. In fact, for the purpose of this post, let’s assume you’re wiser than the Great Horned Owl. Well, guess what? It doesn’t matter. There’s no way you’re going have a ‘real relationship’ dating a guy who’s interested in a teen girl many years younger than himself.
You heard me:
This has nothing to do with you. It has EVERYTHING to do with HIM.
Sorry to break it to you, but a guy who dates younger girls isn’t the cream of the crop. You’d probably cringe if you met him when you were the same age. On top of that, there’s a really good chance that something’s seriously wrong with him – and I’m not talking ‘cute but troubled bad boy in math class’ kind of wrong. I’m talking ‘life is a total dead end and I want to take you with me’ kind of wrong. Either that or he thinks you’re an easy target. Strike that – regardless of whether there’s something really wrong with him or not, he thinks you’re an easy target.
As for you? Don’t think you’ll look cool with a way older guy on your arm. Truth is, girls who date way older guys look: a) slutty, b) clueless or (more than likely) c) all three at the same time. If your friends tell you otherwise, they’re either a) lying, b) slutty, c) clueless…you get the idea.

Not so much.