Summer is almost over and the kids are almost in school. That means it won't be too much longer until I have my head straight again. In the meantime, I'm treating you with another guest post on a subject sure to make you giggle.
THE SET UP: Last week I mentioned a post I wrote for Radical Parenting entitled, The Top 21 Things Teens Never Say To Their Parents. Well, now it's time for some quid pro quo. Meet Lauren Lee Fischer, one of Radical Parenting's teen interns. She fired back with her own hilarious take on things parents will never say to teens. Gotta say, I think you'll love it. Check it out below:

It’s called the “Universal-Mommy-Code.”
Yes. That’s what I’ve officially named it.
Regardless of size, shape, age, color, or personality – there are just some things moms will never, ever, ever say. As a teenager looking into this strange realm of protectorate, maternal females, it seriously seems like they’ve secretly signed a pledge or something . . . to adhere to the Universal Mommy Code.
It’s not like they’re trying to be “Mother-May-I.” It’s just a natural development that comes with motherhood, I guess. They have to be stringy, sometimes. It’s part of the job description. It’s what puts up the barrier between “Mom, my friend” and . . . well, “Mom, the Mom.” I’d dare to say that dads have the same problem. In fact, they can sometimes be worse.
Yet… you gotta admit. It would be pretty funny if parents actually broke the code and said some of these things.
#10 . . . “Dude.”
#9 . . . “Girl, that skirt is way too long. Don’t you have a shorter one somewhere?? If I had those legs, I’d be showing them off! Really, sister. I spend all this money on your wardrobe and you can’t even put together a decent outfit.”
#8 . . . “Your boyfriend’s skull tattoo is super hot. I’ve been thinking you should get one,sometime, too.”
#7 . . . “You don’t need a coat! Who cares if it’s snowing? Wimp.”
#6 . . . “Wow. You just put your napkin on your lap? Seriously, loosen up a little. People will start to think I’m running a penitentiary or something.”
#5 . . . “You’re picking up your date in that dumpy pick-up of yours? Please. I know you’ve only been driving for a few months, but take the Mercedes. Much more flashy.”
#4 . . . “Your father and I think you need to get a few more Cs and Ds in school. Getting straight As makes you look like a goody-goody.”
#3 . . . “Don’t worry about life.You won’t survive it anyways!”
#2 . . . “You should really spend more time on Facebook. I’ve been worried about your social cultivation.”
#1 . . . “I was wrong.”
Lauren Lee Fischer is a teen intern with She competes in a national Debate league, loves public speaking, and wants to one day have a career in either Law or Politics. She strives to use her rocky past to support and help other teens who have experienced, or are experiencing the same things she did. Follow Lauren Lee at The Washington Project.
Photo credit: TeX HeX's flicker photo stream. Thank you!