I'm worried, however. What if people think my books suck? Will they poke me with sticks? It's kept me and my books under a self-imposed quarantine. That is, until now.
Lately, I've been hearing about this whole YOLO thing. You know, the motto 'You Only Live Once.' Zac Efron even had 'YOLO' tattoed between his butt cheeks -- or on his hand. I can't remember exactly.
Anyway, I decided to stick my neck out there and post the first chapter of one of my books. Called Taking Her Time, it's about a girl who travels back to 1956 to prevent her own murder. Sound freaky? Good. That's because it is.
I gotta warn you, it's not like the stuff I write here, though you'll find a giggle or two. I thought it best to keep my insanity a secret, just between you and me. Promise me you won't tell?
So here's the deal: If you're interested, here's a link to the first chapter. Read it if you'd like. If you think the book would be something you'd like to read, If it's not, tell me that, too. At the same time, if you'd rather just giggle at the hairy armed girl, that's cool, as well. I'm just happy you're here -- though you should really go away and do something better with your brain!