Now they give me squat.
In all seriousness, though, I don't want much. In fact my list is pretty simple.I just want that dang dining room picture back on the wall and for at least one member of my family to learn how to pair socks.

Best known for her Bride Finder and Dark Queen series, Susan says she can be described by her hobbies, which she lists as: knitting, reading, crocheting, reading, sewing and -- yes -- reading, but to me she is so much more. She's my Doctor Who partner in crime, fellow lover of Cassandra Clare and fancier of all that is whimsical. Her historical fantasies are both imaginative and intriguing. She writes regular romance, as well, all of them beautifully carved. I love them!
If you'd like to have a taste of what she has to offer, here are a few of the many books she has available now. There's Winterbourne, Brighton Road, and the latest book in her Dark Queen saga, The Lady of Secrets.

Leslie is the author of The Bombays Greatest Hits, a hilarious series about a family of assassins. She's pretty hilarious, herself. She keeps me laughing, both on and off the page, and describes herself as someone who "loves puppies and cake -- but she will not share her cake with puppies." I have to wonder, though. She does have three dogs at home. I bet at least one of them has tasted frosting.
If you haven't read any of Leslie's books, start with 'Scuse Me While I Kill This Guy. If you have read her work, let it be known that she has a few new Bombay things out including the most recent and totally fun Bombay Christmas short, Four Killing Birds.

I'd like to say no one adores Ella more than me, but I'd be lying. That honor goes to my daughter, Robin. She loves, loves, LOVES Ella's historical fiction. It's no wonder. Ella takes fact and blends it into lush, captivating stories. How she does it? I don't know. I just bow to her greatness. But she's doesn't just have an encyclopediatic brain, she has a heart of gold and a boundless imagination.
If you're not familiar with Ella, check out her books The Virgin Queen's Daughter and Three Maids for a Crown. If you do know of her, pre-order her next book The Queen's Dwarf. It will be available January 21, 2014 and I can attest that it's absolutely fantastic. A must read!
Well that's all for now. I'm not sure if I'll post again until after Christmas. So to be safe, let me wish you a wonderful holiday season!