But enough with the sales pitch. I want each and every one of you to know I love you. Truly, I do. Yep, I think you're all that and a bag of Cheetos. To prove it, I came up with a special pet name just for you. Just do the following. In the first column, find the number that corresponds to your birth year (ex. 1996 = #6). That's the first part of your pet name. After that, go to the second column and select your birth month (ex. January - #1). That's the second part of your name. Voila! When you're done, leave me a comment so I know what to call you from now on, okay?
1. Snuggle 2. Huggie 3. Cuddle 4. Sweetie 5. Honey 6. Pookie 7. Tootise 8. Cutie 9. Giggle 10. Smoochy | 1. Bear 2. Pie 3. Boo 4. Cheeks 5. Butt 6. Muffin 7. Bug 8. Pants 9. Bean 10. Poo 11. Cakes 12. Buns |

Anyway, with that said, I'm going to hop on the tread mill. For some reason, I gained two pounds this week.
And finally, thanks to fellow writer and blogger Ian Cochrane for giving me a Versatile Blogger award. So sweet!