As for how I've spent my day so far? Embroiled in the serious business of a photo shoot. The model: a fava bean I got at a St. Joseph's Day celebration in New Orleans which I think bears an uncanny resemblance to a squished Alaskan Bull Worm from the TV show SpongeBob SquarePants.
Well, while I've been dealing with sill stuff, I've got a blogger friend who has been dealing with a whole lot more. Her name is Tricia (a.k.a. Tershbango), and for the past year she's been battling chronic Lyme disease. It isn't a pretty picture. I won't go into the physical details of what's happening to her. All I'll say is it REALLY SUCKS. And I'm not talking "it's too wet to light crap on fire outside" kind of sucks. I'm talking marriage breaking, job losing, excruciatingly painful kind of sucks. Plus treatment costs a fortune.
So, I'm going to ask you to do two things:
1. If you ever get bitten by a tick and suspect Lyme disease GET YOUR BUTT TO A DOCTOR ASAP. Click here to be directed to the Mayo Clinic's website for signs and symptoms. This disease is serious business.
2. Click here to head over to Tricia's website. You can hear her full story, plus learn about some seriously cool people who are conducting a fundraiser for her. If you can give, please do. If you can't, just send a positive comment her way. She'd sure appreciate it. If even a comment is too much, just send some positive vibes her way. She needs all she can get.
One final note: Tricia, I know you're reading this. You must know I think you're are one of the strongest, funniest, most beautiful people in the blogsphere. You will beat this. In the meantime, I'm sending extra hugs your way.