Anyway, since I'm currently AWOL I decided to bless you with my first guest post -- from an author, no less! She's also a good friend. Meet humor writer, Leslie Langtry. Woo hoo! Most writers are big readers, too, and Leslie is no exception. So I asked her to do a book review. I mean it's summer. I don't want you forgetting how to read. ;) Anyway, Leslie came through. Here it is:

Hello! I'm Leslie Langtry. I (hopefully) write funny books and am a HUGE fan of this blog! When Janene asked me to guest post, I jumped at the opportunity. And I'm currently attempting to write YA. But I doubt I'll ever measure up to the best book I've read this summer...BEAUTY QUEENS by the author I'm most likely to start stalking now...Libba Bray!
I read a lot of YA. Just ask my teenage daughter! She'll tell you she never sees me because once 9pm rolls around, I disappear into my room with my kindle, only to emerge the next morning, demanding she read some new book. To which, she rolls her eyes and says, "Whatever." And since she won't take this recommendation, I'm giving it to you.
Read this book. Drop everything you're doing and go buy it or download it or borrow it right now. I'll wait.
Got it? Good! Now read it. It's about a bunch of Miss Teen Dream beauty pageant contestants whose plane crash lands on a deserted (or so they think...) tropical island (because an island off the coast of Antarctica wouldn't be much fun, would it?) The survivors, including a Miss New Mexico with an airline tray lodged in her forehead, try to survive while waiting for help.
I'm not saying any more. You'll just have to read it. No, no exceptions.
It is the funniest book I've ever read. As a humor author, it's hard to get me to laugh. This book made me laugh OUT LOUD! Over and over! It has reality show pirates, secret agents and a crazy third-world dictator who dresses like Elvis. Oh, and an exploding facial hair remover. It is WONDERFULLY WEIRD AND HYSTERICALLY FUNNY!
But I'm not saying anything else. Just read the book. And then, make your moms read it. They'll love it too, because you know, Moms are from Mars.
Honorary Martian Mom,
Leslie Langtry

Leslie Langtry is the author of a hilariously romantic mystery series featuring a family of assassins, the Bombays. Warning: The books are not YA. There's even some 'hubba hubba!' You can check out her website at http://www.leslielangtry.com/