Man, is she a scream. Back in the day, my folks used to watch her on “The Mary Tyler Moore Show” every Saturday night. Yep, EVERY Saturday night. That meant if they were going out that night, they waited until the show was over. DVRs? Didn’t exist. Heck, there weren’t even VCRs yet. If you wanted to see a TV show, you had to watch it when it aired or hope to catch it during summer re-runs. My parents refused to take that risk.

How dare you, Betty. HOW DARE YOU.
Not only did she bite the hand that fed her, she paid little mind to the social vacuum that existed prior to such ground-breaking technological advancements as the cell phone and internet. Back in 'the day,' we had no texting or email, no tweets from Taylor Swift lamenting her Cinnabon obsession. And we had no Facebook. If a friend 'had the blues from watchin' the news,' we didn't hear about it unless we saw her the next day and she told person. The dark ages, indeed.
And now look where we are. Yep, I said 'we.' Facebook is no longer the happening thing for young folks alone. Even my mom has an account. This, of course, means Facebook is doomed to fail. It happens to all cool things adults discover. But right now it's hotter than a Katy Perry photo shoot. As a matter of fact, I just took a break and went on for a while. In less than a minute I’ve discovered that one friend is losing her voice, another “thinks that Robin Hood is going to be good,” and yet another won ten bucks playing Bunco last night. Without Facebook, I might never have known. And that would have been sad, so sad.
Now sure, instead of logging off after posting a few comments, I did click over to Bejeweled Blitz and ended up playing a few games. After that, I just had to take a quick peek at a cute video of a baby moose playing in a sprinkler. There might have been a few other things, too, but it was all done in the name of stress relief, NOT time wasting. The fact that the lawn didn't get mowed was purely coincidental.
So take back your words, Betty White. Take them, stuff them in an envelope, and mail them to …no wait. That takes too long. Jeez, Betty. Can't you just post an apology on Facebook? It’s faster and easier. While you’re there, you can check out that article I posted earlier about that Iranian cleric who blamed world catastrophies on promiscous women. Plus Michelle could use your help in Mafia Wars, too. Oh! You should really take a look at all the messages you’ve gotten since SNL, too. Maybe respond to a few? And don’t forget to join my new group, ‘Why Toenails Suck,’and then check out Karen’s vacation photos. She just went to Cabo San Lucas. Did you see Jim’s string about the three-headed toad?Too funny! And then there’s this neat post on lligators I think you’d get a c=kick out of.