Trading Card Collection
So you decided to join me as I present my incomplete collection of New Kids On The Block trading cards. Warning: If you loved New Kids On The Block, you will LOVE these cards. On the other hand, if you hated New Kids On The Block you will REALLY LOVE these cards. I'm talking major flashback to 1989, people. The horror...the horror.
Anyway, each photo shows the card's face plus the captions on the back. Okay, let's begin....
First off, you must know that NKOTB was inspirational in more ways than one. Don't believe me? Read it and weep!
Anyway, each photo shows the card's face plus the captions on the back. Okay, let's begin....
First off, you must know that NKOTB was inspirational in more ways than one. Don't believe me? Read it and weep!
NKOTB members were also the masters of posing.
(Seriously, WHAT is going on here?)
(Seriously, WHAT is going on here?)
They were also very street. That hat Joey's wearing? So gangsta.
Back then some guys grew these little rat tail-like things that were utterly ridiculous...I mean cute, really cute.
But on to the cast of characters. That's right, 'CAST OF CHARACTERS.' Boy bands are known to have a formula, with each member playing a distinct role.
First there was Donnie Wahlberg, the 'bad boy'...
First there was Donnie Wahlberg, the 'bad boy'...
...then Jordan Knight, 'the dreamboat'....
...Danny Wood, 'the muscle' of the group....
(Note: Sometimes this character is swapped out for 'the prankster' or some other odd ball type to make the group unique.).....
(Note: Sometimes this character is swapped out for 'the prankster' or some other odd ball type to make the group unique.).....
...the cute 'boy nex't door,' Joe McIntyre...
...and finally Jonathan Knight, 'the one who later comes out as gay.'
So there's the basic run down. From here on out, it's just cards, cards, CARDS! As a bonus, I'm including my own idiotic commentary. You can thank/curse me later.
Believe it or not, these are two different cards. Laziness or love of polka dots? Hmmm...
Believe it or not, these are two different cards. Laziness or love of polka dots? Hmmm...
Is it just me or does Joe look like he's channeling George Michael
from his Wham days?
from his Wham days?
Okay, I get that Donnie was the bad boy of the bunch and wearing black goes with the territory, but it looks like he's wearing black silk pajamas and that's creeping me out a little bit. These cards were made for teeny boppers, people!
Looking at the photos below, I cannot believe everyone thought that
Jordan Knight was the hot one.
Jordan Knight was the hot one.
Ummm...scratch what I just said.
Help me out here. Who should I pair this photo of Jonathan with...
Danny or Joey? (Either way, Joey looks WAY too excited.)
Okay, I've wasted way too much time on this so I'm stopping. If you, on the other hand, haven't had your fill, click here for more New Kids On The Block Trading Cards.
If you want to go back to my blog post, click here.
If you want to go back to my blog post, click here.